What We Do

Our vision is to break the Intergenerational cycle of Family and Domestic Violence. 

Our Mission

Mobilise the organisational capacity of Rotary and its members to support The Salvation Army’s services that provide safety and empowerment to people escaping Family and Domestic Violence (FDV) and raise much-needed awareness in our local communities.

Path of Hope - A Rotary Driven Project

Violence in families, and between intimate partners, has lasting impacts upon those being abused, those perpetrating the violence, and those witnessing it. The violence can take many forms but the outcome for those who are subjected to it is fear and loss of control of their lives. It is now accepted that violence within the home must be confronted in the same way that violence between strangers is confronted and that vulnerable people within families are deserving of and have a right to, community protection. The impact upon the wellbeing of the person experiencing the violence can be profound, and life-threatening. Children in these families are at risk of developing post-traumatic stress and developmental disorders. These disorders can result in a lifetime of emotional and economic cost to the individual and the community. The capacity to be violent to a loved one is a learned behaviour and there is also the risk that those who grew up with violence in their households will continue the behaviour in their own families. This is the cycle that needs to be broken.

  • The term ‘Family and Domestic Violence' is used to acknowledge the wide range of abusive behaviours committed in the context of relationships such as those involving family members, children, partners, ex-partners, or caregivers that may cause women to be subjugated, lose control of their lives or live in fear.

  • The violence can include many types of behaviours or threats, including: physical violence, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, verbal abuse and intimidation, economic and social deprivation, damage of personal property and abuse of power.